Thursday, September 29, 2011

Drawing #6

This drawing was done from a photograph taken of Anderson while he was reporting in Afganhistan, of which was said to be a favorite photo of Andersons. As the photo was said to have a sentimental value to Anderson it inspired me to draw it.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Drawing #5

This drawing was taken by photo and not scanned because it's too big to fit on my scanner, sorry about the photo quality.  His face was drawn from a papparazzi photo so he looks angry and upset, had to try and draw it :D Still nice bod Anderson! ;)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Drawing #4

Drawn from a photograph of Anderson in Africa

Drawing #3

Drawn with a ballpoint ink pen.

Drawing #2

Drawn from three different photos.

Drawing #1

My first drawing of Anderson.